
Managing Champagne Taste on a Beer Budget: How to Build a Sound Media Plan When Money is Tight

The issue of big dreams, little budget is a timeless tale in the media industry (ok, maybe all industries). Often times brands think they need huge budgets to be able to advertise but that is not the case. The truth is that a little scrappiness and creative thinking, pretty much any budget can work. See below for a few tips and tricks…

  1. Clearly define your objectives. Is your goal to drive awareness of your brand? Traffic to site? Sales? Being very specific will help you to hone in on the media types and tactics that are most suited to achieve this goal.

  2. Focus, focus, focus! You do not need to be present on all media channels al all times, so revisit your objective and consider the top one or two channels that will help you reach your goal and won’t break the bank. Paid social, search and programmatic are usually going to be the channels with lowest barriers to entry, so start there. There are lots of tactics and targeting options within those vehicles that will allow you to reach objectives across the funnel.

  3. Decide whether it is more important for you to be on all the time at lower levels or on iteratively at higher levels. For example, if you are launching a new product, it might make more sense for you to focus for investment a few weeks leading up to during, and after launch rather than thinly spreading your dollars over several months. In doing this, you will make a bigger splash in the marketplace when you are “on.”

  4. Don’t try to do it all on your own. When your day job is running a company, you have enough on your plate without adding on “Media Planner” to your list. It can be tempting to cut costs by taking on the media responsibilities, but you are going to save money and be better off in the long run if you enlist a professional to do it right the first time. There are different payment structures to allow you to get the service you want with a payment option that you are comfortable with.

  5. Be patient. While you may see some immediate results in sales or traffic, you want to make sure that you are always keeping the long game in mind. Make sure you are not just putting out a message and then forgetting about it. For best results you should continue to foster than conversation between your brand and potential customers.

Brands X Pride

Unless you are living under a rock, you should be VERY aware that June is Pride month. I won’t speak to where you live, but in Chicago, it is as though the city threw up rainbows and it is fucking glorious! The bars and restaurants have been hosting special events to support the cause, organizations supporting the LGBTQ+ community are out in full force and even corporate offices are getting in on the action by hosting inclusion events and encouraging employees to include their preferred pronouns in their emails. Oh and the Super Bowl of Pride Month… the parade is happening this weekend.

It is moving to see how increasingly involved the community becomes with the LGBTQ+ cause, and how brands continue to follow suit. As with other cause-related marketing, it is not enough to simply “slap a rainbow on it” to show your support. Brands need to also engage in conversation and show their support on an ongoing basis, using Pride month as an extra push to amplify those efforts. Ad Age recently wrote a great article highlighting the brands that are doing this well and I have included a few of those and how they are supporting the cause, below.

Wear pride

  • MeUndies has a three year history of supporting pride and this year’s collection is collabo with DJ GRiZ. From every pair sold, $1 will be donated to Miley Cyrus’ nonprofit Happy Hippie Foundation. Go ahead, let your undies do the talking!

  • Toms, Converse, Reebok, and Doc Marten’s have created rainbow-fied versions of their shoes to show their pride support. Cute kicks for a cause!

Glow Up for Pride

  • MAC cosmetics rolled out a new #MACLOVESPRIDE rainbow lipstick. HAWT!

Eat Pride

  • Kind has created a Pride Bar (dark chocolate, nuts and sea salt bar covered with a rainbow wrapper) and will be donating 100% of in-store sales to the Ali Forney Center, an organization that supports LGBTQ+ homeless youth in the US. Such a bad ass and delicious way to give back!

Drink Pride

  • Pepsi’s Bubly has a special-edition “All For Love Pride Pack,” which includes 18 cans in the colors of the rainbow—totally delicious and totally ‘grammable.

Watch Pride

  • Hulu has created a dedicated site for LGBTQ+ content and this month will launch “The Bravest Knight,” a kids animated show that revolves around LGBTQ+ themes.

  • Twitch is selling its own Pride T-shirts with proceeds befitting TwitchUnity, the platform’s unity and inclusion program